When you appreciate better your natural tendencies, you are able to understand better where you can add value in your work. In this intriguing ‘Leadership Wisdoms’ idea, you will realise better about taking the time to consider situations – taking everything in before you ignore the signs that will help.
Letting things go is a decision – a choice. When we decide to ignore or set aside things we don’t want to face into, it is conscious and defining.
Better to reflect on our options and make concrete decisions that will move things along, for neglecting challenges just because we don’t want to face into them will not make them go away. They will fester and get worse. Others will notice and lose faith. They will be less inclined to follow.
To consider seemingly intractable challenges requires a perspective on the world that moves forward. Taking time to reflect on a challenge that may seem difficult is much better than neglecting an issue just because you don’t like it. We all have such challenges, so everyone has overcome something they didn’t want to do.
By neglecting a difficult situation, a leader will be seen to be weak. Others will provide similar scenarios and expect nothing, damaging any trust. And trust is the only way to work with people in a team to ensure they are productive, motivated and creative.
When a leader takes up a difficult challenge, they model the behaviours they would want from everyone they care for. Those in their team; those in their home lives. They model and others follow, sometimes in a wider remit too.
Where intractable challenges face leaders, reflecting, seeking opinions and then taking positive action is far better than the neglect which can damage their character so much more.
To download the poster, backed by the article and 5 Steps to Reflecting, click here.