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Authentic is Better than False

It’s vital to create trust with the people you lead. In all you do, your relationships will define success or failure, so it is critical to do everything you can to be trusted In this ‘Leadership Wisdom‘ article you will appreciate better why authenticity means everything if you want healthy, trusting relationships with everyone in your team.

It does not take much time to spot when someone is being false. Whether it be the things they say or do, when people are acting inauthentically, we can usually notice pretty quickly.

And when people behave in a false way, it has one significant impact on our relationship with them. It damages trust.

As leaders, it is vital that we trust – and are trusted – by our people. The relationship will only work best when we can expect each other to behave in trustworthy ways. Yet sometimes, leaders try to compensate for their own weaknesses or failings by glossing over what the truth is. And this can badly damage the trust that is so vital.

Indeed, when a leader behaves is an authentic way, sharing hopes and fears; being honest about failings and weaknesses, their people see them as trustworthy and relate to them much better.

After all, when a leader tries to share honest feelings, their people see them as someone who has the same sensitivities, insecurities and fears like they do. Which makes them much more real in the relationship.

Being authentic creates a bond between a leader and their people which is much stronger than if they attempt to obscure their failings.

To download the poster, backed by the article and 5 Steps to Being Authentic, click here.