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Questions and Answers

When you work with people, they want to feel engaged. They want to be stimulated and excited, as far as possible. And as their leader, you can help.

They say that employees join companies, and leave their manager. This is not always because of bad behaviour of their manager. It is not that their manager is always being ‘bad’ to them. It’s just that sometimes, unknowingly, they are not being good enough. And that is always redeemable.

Someone comes into your office with a problem. as their boss, you feel the need; the urge, to show why you are there. Its almost a knee-jerk, until you realise what you’re doing. Until you back off and coach. That’s what this is, helping them find their own solutions by asking questions, rather than providing solutions.

By taking the time to be curious about their problem and asking they curiosity questions (we often call the ‘W’ questions, because they begin with or have a ‘W’ in them, such as Who? What? Where? When? Or How?) you find out more about the problem and as your questions evolve; What are your thoughts? When will you start? What will your biggest challenge be?; HoW will you begin; and much, much more. You can even say simply, ‘Tell me more‘.

When you catch yourself asking a question, rather than giving an answer, you catch yourself helping someone develop. You are also growing the capability of the person before you, which helps them, and helps you too.

Before you know it, they will bring you ideas, possibilities and even solutions to sign off, just because they got used to you asking then questions, rather being the provider of answers.

Then, more feel engaged; more feel excited and getting even better in their role, more stay. Making a more experienced, capable and motivated team for you to lead.

That’s leadership.

To download a poster like you see above, as well as this little (I hope) helpful article (as well as Five Steps to Leadership Wisdoms Success), which you can print together and give to others if you feel it would help them too, click here.

And come back. There are more Leadership Wisdoms to explore.

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